2015-16 Schedules Updated

Varsity, JV, Junior and Development League schedules can be found here.

We gave the schedule a little bit of something extra this year. You can still download PDF versions of the schedule but we wanted to make it a little more convenient. A Google Calendar was set up showing each of the games. This calendar can be downloaded and viewed on any device that has digital calendars. This gives you the ability to have the schedule wherever you may go. Contact Dean or Garrett to learn how this can work for you.

2014-15 Season Begins

A new year of basketball brings a new year of progress in our league. We’ll have something better this year than we’ve ever had before. Our own facility! It’s in the works and should be complete by January 2015. Until then we’ll hold Varsity games at CUMC. We will separate each league this season. Varsity will be from October 10th until December 27th. Games will be played on Fridays and Saturdays. Click here for schedule. JV league will begin January 2015, with D league to follow.
Sign ups for V and JV leagues started already. Last day to sign up is September 14th. Contact James Young, Brett Jenkins, Garrett Jenkins, Carson Jenkins or Ethan Tucker to sign up. There will be sign up sheets at church September 7th and 14th.


2013-14 Teams Posted

Varsity and JV teams for the season have been picked and can be found here Varsity & JV Teams!

basketballThe finalized schedule will be posted soon.

Development league teams have not been picked yet. Every player in the Development league has the opportunity to play on a JV team at any time. So come and play hard.  The captains will be watching to see who’s ready to move up.

2013 Season Ending Party

Hi everyone,  the 2012-2013 season is nearing its end but not until we settle some championship games, shooting contests, dunk contests, awards and more this Saturday (apr 13).  For a detailed schedule of the season ending party and events please check out, 2013 BBall Party and feel free to invite any family and friends to cheer everyone on.
