2013 Season Standings & All Star Teams

Hi Everyone,  the regular 2013 season is complete!  Now it’s time to determine a champion.
Below are the final standings for all teams who made the playoffs.

1. Jared S (10-1)
2. Garrett (7-4)
3. Ethan (6-5)
4. Carson (5-6)

Junior Varsity
1. Darren (9-2)
2. Shaun (8-3)
3. James (7-3-1)
4. William (7-4)
5. Andrew (6-6)
6. Patrick (4-6-1)


We have collected and tallied the All Star votes and the captains have been selected from the top two seeded teams in their respective leagues. Alternates may play due to injury or absence of another All Star. Here are the results:

James O – Captain
Garrett – Captain
Jared P
Ryan J
Chris R
Dean O
Jared K – Alternate
Miles – Alternate

Junior Varsity
Alan J – Captain
Shaun F – Captain
Patrick S
Shawn M
Andrew M
Danny T
Adam K
Jeremy Jr. K
Erik P
Jeremy M
Seth K
David A
Justin A
Nik – Alternate
Jason Ken – Alternate

All star games will be played on April 13th, if the schedule allows. 3 point contest, dunk contest and awards ceremony will be on April 13th, following what could be the championship games or the all star games. See earlier posted schedule for more information.

Basketball Pump Missing

The red handpump used to pump up the basketballs, that was stored in the team lockbox, is missing.
If you have it or have any information on it please let James Y, or Garret know; or you can send us an email using the Contact page.
If you have it please bring it to the next game so we can continue to have a nice bouncy basketball. 🙂

Thank You